社團法人台北市婦女新知協會 理事長 蔣念祖女士與常監蔣月琴女士,將於三月出席聯合國世界婦女大會CSW63 NGO Forum,婦女新知協會常監蔣月琴女士 不僅通過婦權基金會審查,代表台灣參與,更獲得CSW63同意將於NGO Forum中,以Taipei Awakening Association名義,主辦一場座談會,將台北新知帶到國際社會,以下是參加「2019聯合國婦女委員會暨非政府組織周邊會議」中英文 致詞稿,在婦女節紀念日前夕,分享給各位一同共襄盛舉-
致各位來自世界各地的NPO (Nonprofit Organization,NPO)夥伴及學者專家:
首先,很榮幸第一次參與此次聯合國婦女大會 ,我來自台灣,目前是台北市婦女新知協會理事長。
Ms. Chiang, NPO friends from all over the world, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
First of all, I am honored to participate in the UN Commission on the Status of Women this year. This is my first time to be here. I am from Taiwan and I am currently serving as the Chairwoman of the Taipei Awakening Association.
My main work experience has been in Taiwan’s Congress, where I am working on legislation and law enforcement for the past 25 years. I am also a professor, and have taught how to promote policy advocacy in college for 11 years.
What pushed me to devote myself to an NPO is the experience of continuously working with them in the legislative process. NPOs have always been considered to be the driving force for progressive legislation. Working with different NPOs in different advocacies made me realize the importance of them. I have been interacting and cooperating with many different types of NPOs for a long time. The most memorable experience was the cooperation with the international conservation group –Ell and ElA, which not only successfully helped enacting Taiwan's wildlife conservation law, but also made people recognize the importance of international cooperation.
The Taipei Awakening Association has long adhered to the belief of women helping women, cared for the policy advocacies and legal consultations related to women's rights protection. In recent years, we have gradually expanded our focus on long-term care and women's employment issues in our country. There are two main works of our organization. The first one is supporting the caregiver in the family, since they are the primary caretaker of elders and disability person. Most of the caregivers are women, we offer services as support, such as stress relieving, psychological counseling, respite care service, and legal training. This is the fourth year, the number of assistance cases is increasing, and there are more and more volunteers coming to join us.
The second one is establishing a clothing workshop. The workshop is designed to help unemployed women to get a job. We operate as a social enterprise, cooperating with local companies in Taiwan, to make environmentally friendly denim jackets, bags for laptop or coffee, and some other things. We have just started and want to expand in the future.
We all know that fighting for women’s rights is a lifelong goal, and there is still a long way to go. Therefore, the Taipei Awakening Association needs to work harder and do more, no matter in advocating policies or operating social enterprises. So this opportunity is precious for me to learn and expand my horizons. I hope through today’s workshop, we all could learn from each other and build up networks. Thank you.
社團法人台北市婦女新知協會 謹致全國婦女
每年的3月8日 為紀念婦女權利的運動日。
婦女權利(Women's rights),是指世界性的婦女和女童所主張的權利和自由。早在19世紀女權運動 及20世紀女性主義運動 建立了基礎,在一些國家,這些權利已經制度化,或得到法律、本地習俗及行為支持。
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